"He also sampled one can of Busch but it must not have been to his liking since he didn’t drink any more of them."
Everyone has that one friend who shows up uninvited, drinks all the beer, then passes out and won’t leave until someone threatens to call the cops. Someone like that crashed a camping trip in Baker Lake, WA recently and made a real spectacle of himself.
Only it wasn’t a person. It was a bear.
Fish and Wildlife agents were called to a campsite at the Baker Lake Resort, where a bear had walked into a campsite and pried open a cooler of beer. He proceeded to puncture and drink 36 cans of Rainier beer. He also sampled one can of Busch but it must not have been to his liking since he didn’t drink any more of them.
A beer snob bear. Awe. Some.
Agents tried to usher the bear away but the ursine drunkard merely climbed a tree to sleep off his buzz. He was finally chased out of the party but returned the next morning.
Maybe he wanted some hair-of-the-dog to help with his hangover?
At that point, agents lured the bear away from the campers by setting out a humane trap, which they baited with the breakfast of bear champions: donuts, honey, and — yes — a couple of cans of Rainier beer.
The bear has since been located elsewhere, hopefully in an alcohol-free area. I’m sure beer is not good for bears and bear beer burps are probably not good for anyone else.